navigating the outcome economy

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Core Values

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Major Goals

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Our Story

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Our values

What we value at Workpath and who we are

The Workpath values represent our deeply held beliefs and are the fundamental driving forces of our work. They are the core of who we are and how we enable the World to define and achieve its most important goals.

Caring Humans

Caring Humans

Caring for each other as humans always comes first - in our team, with our customers and our community. Caring means striving for a joyful and fulfilling work life flow together.
Owners of our Work
We take responsibility and are fully accountable for the work we do. If ownership is unclear, we do not hesitate to strive for clarity. When we commit to something, our colleagues can rely on us.
Energetic Builders

Energetic Builders

We are energetic creators, driven by a shared vision of the outcome economy and the things we build. Energetic action is fueled by intrinsic motivation and flow, not by pressure.
Life Long Learners

Life Long Learners

We always want to improve and never accept the status quo. We empower each other and strive together to do better. We welcome and we give constructive feedback.
Impact Seekers

Impact Seekers

We value people who aim high and focus on meaningful outcomes. Striving for impact means to focus on the purpose and the value of what we do. It means avoiding nonsense tasks and time wasters. We think big and we want to solve some of the biggest problems of our time.

Meet Workpath’s Leadership Team

Johannes Müller
Johannes Müller
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As Managing Director and Chief Revenue Officer, Johannes is responsible for international expansion and the strategic development of partnerships. He moreover is heavily involved in shaping the Workpath brand and regularly publishes on the topics of organization, leadership and the new working world.
Pia Vieregge
Stephanie Streitner
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Managing Director
As Managing Director at Workpath, Stephanie oversees Customer Success and Education, Business and Revenue Operations, and Finance. In this role, she joins forces with Johannes in driving the company’s further development and growth. Stephanie has long-standing experience in strategy, management consulting, organizational development, go-to-market and customer value that perfectly fits Workpath’s mission.
Steffen Wenz
Steffen Wenz
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As Chief Technology Officer, Steffen is responsible for the various developer teams that build and maintain the Workpath product. This includes hiring new candidates as well as managing the existing teams. Making the right technical decisions - from infrastructure to data security - also sets the course for rapid but solid growth.
Michael Miksch
Christina Müller
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Director Finance & Operations
As Director Finance & Operations, Christina leads our FOLS department consisting of the teams Finance, Legal & Security, IT Operations, and Revenue Operations. With the mission to act as a role model in a new outcome-oriented working world, Christina and her teams work as strategic partners to Workpath and spearpoint an effective, customer-centric, and efficient internal organization.
Lukas Huth
Lukas Huth
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Chief of Staff
As Chief of Staff, Lukas drives a variety of strategic projects, acts as a facilitator at cross-functional initiatives, and is in charge of company-wide communication. As OKR program lead, he ensures that all teams are working towards the same goals, are well aligned and execute effectively. His ultimate mission is to ensure that Workpath is continuously ready for the next phases of rapid growth.
Our Story

Read about Workpath’s journey so far

Learn about why we were founded and which milestones we passed till now

Johannes Müller and Thomas Obermüller meet at Freeletics through their mutual interest in outcome-centered and sustainable organizational models.
Pascal Fritzen joins Workpath. Soon the first version of a user-centered software platform is created, which convinces its first customers a few months after its launch.
The brand "Workpath" gets announced at the German trade register on 03.01.2018. The newborn company is located in Munich, Germany and ready to make its impact on the world.
The first version of the Workpath platform is introduced. With this, Workpath is now able to help organizations reach their most important goals more efficiently.
High-Tech Grunderfonds starts supporting Workpath as lead investor. They specialize in investments in seed or startups, early venture, seed capital, and mezzanine financing.
With the introduction of the Workpath Analytics Suite, customers are now enabled to get an overview of their strategy execution, make relevant achievements visible and identify roadblocks.
With the great work of everyone at Workpath, the company celebrates its first 50 customers. This is a huge first step in shaping the modern way of working and spreading outcome management across the globe.
As the company and its customers grow, so does the number of employees. That's why, at the beginning of 2021, all Workpathians packed their bags and moved to a larger office in the Bruckmann area in Munich with over 1,000 sqm.
With the launch of more integration options, like an API, Jira, Azure, MS Teams and a new ISO certification, Workpath keeps getting more valuabe and secure to its customers.
Workpath closed a Series A financing of €10.5 million to further grow and expand its market leadership. The funds will enable the team to continue the development of its software platform and the development of additional new markets.
The company and its teams keep growing constantly. With now 100 employees, Workpath is becoming more professional on every level.
Workpath adds more experienced executives to their leadership team.
With Pia Vieregge, Joel Delmaire, Monica Dumitriu and  Rebecca Beerman new great leaders join to pursue our goals.
After all the great changes over the past few years, it was finally time for a new design that better represented our organization. So, Workpath got a fantastic new branding and a great announcement party to go along with it.
Workpath will continue to shape how enterprises navigate the outcome economy and face modern challenges. We believe that outcome management is essential to people's continued prosperity in times of increasing uncertainty due to climate change, economic downturns, or the like.